Wednesdays at northside
5:00pm • Fellowship Dinner in Hope Hall
(bring your own dinner)
Wed. Night
Meal time- 5 pm.
Bring your own meal and fellowship with others in Hope Hall at the dinner tables.

6:15pm • Activities for all ages
- Bible Study in Hope Hall auditorium led by Pastor Brian Lee
- REFUGE - Young adult class, ages 18-25(ish) led by Alecia Sanford in Room 114
- Spanish Bible Study led by Yakko Matamoros in Room 115
- Bible Study led by Fredda Briggs in Room 304
- Men's Bible Study led by Frank Palmer in Room 302
- Children's ministry
- 5:30 - 7:30pm: Nursery Available for children ages 8 weeks -4 years
- 6:15 - 7:30pm: Pre-K class in Room 110
- 6:15 - 7:30pm: Children's Ministry Bible study (K - 5th grade) in The Refuge (upstairs)
- Youth Group (6th-12th grade) meets in the Gym and Youth Room Upstairs (above Gym)
- Choir Practice in choir room (behind Sanctuary)