Wednesdays at northside

5:00pm • Fellowship Dinner in Hope Hall

  • Join us Wednesday evenings at 5:00pm in Hope Hall for wonderful food and fellowship!
  • Meal Cost is $3.00 per person or $12 max per family unit of 4 or more. 
  • Sign up by Tuesdays at noon below. 
  • For menu questions or comments contact  Nancy Gay  at  or  call the church office , 731-668-0617.
  • If you call to reserve your meal, please call by Tuesdays at noon.

Let us know you'll be joining us!

Please sign up by Tuesday at noon

Wed. Night menu
Meals served 5 pm. Menu 

$3.00 per person or $12.00 max per family of 4 or more.


6:15pm • Activities for all ages

  • Bible Study in Chapel led by Pastor Brian Lee
  • REFUGE - Young adult class, ages 18-25(ish) led by Alecia Sanford in Room 114
  • Spanish Bible Study led by Yakko Matamoros in Room 115
  • Bible Study led by Fredda Briggs in Room 304
  • Children's ministry
    • 5:30 - 7:30pm: Nursery Available for children ages 8 weeks -4 years
    • 6:15 - 6:30pm: Children's Ministry (K - 5th grade) in The Refuge (upstairs)
    • 6:15 - 7:30pm: Bible Study, K - 2nd grade
    • 6:15 - 7:30pm: Bible Study, 3rd - 4th grade
  • Youth Group meets in the Gym and Youth Room Upstairs (above Gym)
  • Choir Practice in the Sanctuary
Find more information on our groups page HERE