Soli Deo Gloria: To God Alone Be the Glory
Charles Wesley said that worship brings us into the presence of God. Through it we “find such a
near approach to God as cannot be expressed. We see him, as it were, face to face.” In the
presence of God we learn “to love him, to delight in him, to desire him, with all our heart and
mind and soul and strength; to imitate him whom we love by purifying ourselves… and to obey
him whom we love… both in thought, and word, and work.”
Worship is ultimately our purpose for existence – everything else we are concerned about, all of
the programs and resources and systems, things we value as important and the decisions we
make – flow from the transformation that occurs in worship.
Corporate worship leads to fellowship, which feeds the heart and soul of the church’s need for
community and togetherness. It is a biblical command, an opportunity to communicate the
gospel to an unbelieving world, and a gathering that anticipates the celebration that we will
experience in heaven. It is a vital part of our spiritual growth, and where we fall deeper in love
with our Creator and form a more intimate relationship with Him. When we gather for worship, we are participating in a conversation with God, while declaring His mighty works!
near approach to God as cannot be expressed. We see him, as it were, face to face.” In the
presence of God we learn “to love him, to delight in him, to desire him, with all our heart and
mind and soul and strength; to imitate him whom we love by purifying ourselves… and to obey
him whom we love… both in thought, and word, and work.”
Worship is ultimately our purpose for existence – everything else we are concerned about, all of
the programs and resources and systems, things we value as important and the decisions we
make – flow from the transformation that occurs in worship.
Corporate worship leads to fellowship, which feeds the heart and soul of the church’s need for
community and togetherness. It is a biblical command, an opportunity to communicate the
gospel to an unbelieving world, and a gathering that anticipates the celebration that we will
experience in heaven. It is a vital part of our spiritual growth, and where we fall deeper in love
with our Creator and form a more intimate relationship with Him. When we gather for worship, we are participating in a conversation with God, while declaring His mighty works!

For more information or to get involved in Northside's music ministry, contact:
Ray Barnette, Director of Traditional Worship & Music Ministry
Millie Hayes, Director of Worship Arts & Music
Stay tuned for exciting new additions to worship arts @ northside in 2024!
sanctuary choir
Directed by Ray Barnette
Rehearsal: Every Wednesday evening at 6:15PM in the Sanctuary
Lead In Worship: Every Sunday morning at 9:00 AM in the Sanctuary
Age Range: All adults welcome; No singing experience or audition required
Lead In Worship: Every Sunday morning at 9:00 AM in the Sanctuary
Age Range: All adults welcome; No singing experience or audition required
youth choir
Directed by Millie Hayes
Rehearsal: Sundays @ 4:30 PM in the Sanctuary (beginning after Labor Day)
Lead In Worship: For special services throughout the year including Sunday mornings, Christmas Eve, Youth Musicals and more!
Age Range: 6th - 12th Grade; No singing experience or audition required
Lead In Worship: For special services throughout the year including Sunday mornings, Christmas Eve, Youth Musicals and more!
Age Range: 6th - 12th Grade; No singing experience or audition required
Handbell Choir
Directed by Millie Hayes
Rehearsal: Mondays @ 5:30 PM in the Sanctuary (beginning Sept. 25)
Lead In Worship: On special occasions throughout the year including All Saints Day, Christmas Cantata, Handbell Festival, Easter and more!
Age Range: Youth (8th Grade and up) & Adults; previous music experience and sight-reading skills preferred
Lead In Worship: On special occasions throughout the year including All Saints Day, Christmas Cantata, Handbell Festival, Easter and more!
Age Range: Youth (8th Grade and up) & Adults; previous music experience and sight-reading skills preferred
worship teamS
For Musicians of All Backgrounds, Instruments & Voices
Rehearsal: Varies depending on service/team
Lead In Worship: Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM in the Sanctuary; 11:00 AM in Hope Hall; other special services throughout the year
Age Range: Youth & Adults; experience preferred and an audition is required
Ready to apply as a worship musician? Fill out this form for next steps: Worship Musician Application
*Please be sure to read our Worship Musician Handbook here before filling out your audition form. Contact Millie Hayes with any questions.
Lead In Worship: Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM in the Sanctuary; 11:00 AM in Hope Hall; other special services throughout the year
Age Range: Youth & Adults; experience preferred and an audition is required
Ready to apply as a worship musician? Fill out this form for next steps: Worship Musician Application
*Please be sure to read our Worship Musician Handbook here before filling out your audition form. Contact Millie Hayes with any questions.