Growing together.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
“Sharing God’s Love and Making Young Disciples Who Follow Jesus Christ” is the passion of Northside Students. We exist fully to accomplish this mission. We strive to hit this mark through Missions, Bible Study, Group Discussions, Recreation, Worship, Prayer, Music, Drama, Relationships, Media, Family Experiences, Scouting, Confirmation, Discipleship, Student Evangelism, and many more opportunities.
We work with Students 6th through 12th Grade along with their families and friends. Below you will find our main gathering times here on campus (in the gym at Northside Church, 2571 North Highland Ave., Jackson, TN 38305) and ways to contact us for more information as well as our monthly calendar.
Northside Students office phone: 731-554-0803
Northside Students Director email:
Director: Andrew Ervin
Northside Students Director email:
Director: Andrew Ervin

Youth Nights - Volunteer/Food Sign Up
If you would like to help with youth nights, or Provide a Meal on SUnday nights, follow the link below
Sundays at Northside
Sunday School - 10:00 am
Sunday Night Live "SNL" | 5:30 - 7:30pm
Sunday School is the Sunday Morning Small Group offering for Northside Students. Classes meet upstairs in the Gym with the Jr High and Sr High Guys meeting in the Large Room (G203), while the Jr High and Sr High Girls meet in the smaller room (G202).
Come join us on Sunday nights as we eat, play some games, and dive into God's Word. Sunday nights are a place for your student to connect, be fed both physically (food) and spiritually, and be prepared to share the love of Christ with others!
Wednesday Night Mid-Week Small Groups
Open Gym | 5:30-6:15 pm
"Mid-Week Check-In" & The Way - 6th Grade Confirmation | 6:15 - 7:30 pm
For more information contact:
Small Groups begin in the gym in the large Youth Room upstairs, (G203) with announcements and gathering in community to prepare us all for the Small Group experience of the evening. We have a small group for everyone led by trained volunteers who give of their time, energy, talents, and hearts for our students. We dig a little deeper into a passage and life application during this time but we don’t walk past the opportunity to deal with something that is strong upon our hearts on any particular week. We encourage you to come and be a part of these little Sabbath moments in the middle of the week.