Recreational Ministries


Pickleball is here at Northside!  Tuesday:    10 am-12pm, 1pm-3pm 
        Thursday:  10 am-12pm, 1pm-3pm, 5pm-7pm
If you have any questions, contact Ken Chilcutt at


No scheduled events at this time.

Walking  fellowship

 Interested in walking regularly for exercise in the gym? Did you know that 17 laps around our gym is a mile?  Two and a quarter laps around the outside perimeter of our parking lot is also a mile.
Need a safe and weather free place to walk then contact Ken Chilcutt and get the details on how to use our gym for your walking needs.

Golfing  Fellowship

Many in our church family love to play Golf!  Are you one of them? Give us a holler and we can help you meet up with some folks that enjoy this great  game.
For questions:

Fishing  fellowship

Men over 18 – Interested in Bass Fishing in our area lakes and rivers?  We have several anglers that love to fish and help others learn the art of Bass Fishing in our church. If you are interested you can shoot Dallas Bunger an email at

Grilling  Fellowship

Willing to help grill and barbecue for events the church has for ministry fundraiser opportunities, and/or 2-3 times a year to get together and share ideas at a local Bash with those from the church, and/or potential mission outreaches.  For questions:


 Monday mornings from 10:30 am – 11:30am in the Gym. Beginners Welcome! Bring own mat and $3. For more information, contact Nancy Hopper at 731-394-6572.  

men  of  valor - workout  &  Devotion

Men’s workout/accountability group: Tuesday and Thursday morning workouts at 5:00 am – 6:00 am in the GYM. Workouts are varied, but based on Boot Camp style.  Instructor:  Jeffrey Head.


Open Gym for youth 6th-12th grades on Wednesday nights at 5:00 PM
For schedules of seasonal Basketball games, email Ken Chilcutt: