Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations.
Matthew 28:19
The Missions Outreach Leadership Team works to inspire this church in quarterly mission activities, to identify and coordinate church wide outreach opportunities for Connect Group classes for adults, youth and children, to distribute funds and items for outreach missions with a clear feedback and accountability system for those missions being supported locally and abroad.
The fruit of love is service. Northside Church has dozens of mission opportunities each year so that people, may use their God-given talents to reach out and serve others in the name of Christ. Guided by the Outreach Ministry Team and Pastor Daphne Moses, we choose local agencies to support, both by volunteering and through financial contributions. We also support world missions abroad.
Find out how you can get involved in “loving one another.” (scroll down to learn more about what we do)
For more information, email daphne@northsidejackson.com
The fruit of love is service. Northside Church has dozens of mission opportunities each year so that people, may use their God-given talents to reach out and serve others in the name of Christ. Guided by the Outreach Ministry Team and Pastor Daphne Moses, we choose local agencies to support, both by volunteering and through financial contributions. We also support world missions abroad.
Find out how you can get involved in “loving one another.” (scroll down to learn more about what we do)
For more information, email daphne@northsidejackson.com

Mission Trips
Northside Church offers mission trip opportunities to those interested to various places in the US and to ministries and churches we partner with in other countries. Each year we lead a couple of "Volunteers in Mission" trips to locations such as Kenya, Tanzania, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Haiti, as well as national sites such as UMCOR, Sager Brown or Mountain Top. The entire church gets involved in the gathering of supplies that the team takes and distributes and in providing funds for medicines and food and other supplies that the team members distribute. We also have had several individuals from Northside serve as IVs (Individual Volunteers) in several countries through UMVIM. Our children provide funding for a school for disadvantaged children in India, as well as partner with our Outreach Team to coordinate mission projects throughout the year. We also sponsor a local school here in Jackson, Tennessee. We are a church that understands the importance of local, regional and international missions and outreach! If you are interested in serving on one of our mission teams, contact Daphne Moses in the church office.
Church phone: 731-668-0617. Email: daphne@northsidejackson.com
Church phone: 731-668-0617. Email: daphne@northsidejackson.com
El Ayudante - Nicaragua
We are glad to sponsor this mission outreach in Nicaragua. We offer prayer support, and we donate funds to support them. If you want to be involved in helping with child sponsorship, contact John and Heather Button. John's email: john@eanicaragua.com
Northside Church and Gamasara Church in Tarime, Tanzania are entering into our second 2-year partnership. The partnership exits to promote spiritual growth, understanding, education and connection between the two churches. Prayer Concerns are shared each week between the two churches. For more information contact Pastor Daphne.
Gamasara Church Partnership Planning Team: Serve on the team to plan education opportunities and ministry pertaining to our sister church – Gamasara UMC in Tarme, Tanzania in Africa. Meets approximately once a year, emailing in between meetings when needed.
Gamasara Church Partnership Prayer Team: Commit to pray for our sister church, Gamasara UM in Tarime, Tanzania. You will receive regular prayer requests by email from our sister church, Gamasara UM, in Tarime, Tanzania.
Sponsor a Child at Gamasara to Attend School: Be a full sponsor ($420 a year) or partial sponsor (any amount) to enable a child in the village of Gamasara in Tarime, Tanzania to attend elementary school at the school the Gamasara church has established. You will ‘get to know’ your child by receiving photos and information. For more information, contact Lori Williams at lbyoung15@yahoo.com.
Gamasara Church Partnership Planning Team: Serve on the team to plan education opportunities and ministry pertaining to our sister church – Gamasara UMC in Tarme, Tanzania in Africa. Meets approximately once a year, emailing in between meetings when needed.
Gamasara Church Partnership Prayer Team: Commit to pray for our sister church, Gamasara UM in Tarime, Tanzania. You will receive regular prayer requests by email from our sister church, Gamasara UM, in Tarime, Tanzania.
Sponsor a Child at Gamasara to Attend School: Be a full sponsor ($420 a year) or partial sponsor (any amount) to enable a child in the village of Gamasara in Tarime, Tanzania to attend elementary school at the school the Gamasara church has established. You will ‘get to know’ your child by receiving photos and information. For more information, contact Lori Williams at lbyoung15@yahoo.com.
Isaac Lane elementary
We partner to sponsor Isaac Lane Elementary School of Jackson in various ways. We are thankful we provided over 130 coats this past Winter to the children of Isaac Lane due to the donations and efforts of Northside Church. If you want to know how to get involved in helping, contact Pastor Daphne Moses.
Northside High school
We have opportunities through the year in which we offer support.
Live beyond in haiti
We support this organization with funds and prayer support. If you want to learn more email daphne@northsidejackson.com
Mission supplies
We collect items for mission trips throughout the year from medical supplies, to art supplies, to hygiene items. If you would like to donate contact Pastor Daphne. daphne@northsidejackson.com
Participate with other servants from Northside for a half day in the Spring or Fall cleaning and/or doing minor maintenance at the WJH apartments (located on Highland Ave. just north of NSUMC) including lunch and fellowship with the residents. If you cannot physically be present, you can help out with lunch and drinks for those helping and the residents. Contact Tracey McKnight for more information , tljoyner1263@gmail.com
We so often hear of hunger problems around the world. Snack Back Pack is a local mission to help over 900 children in Jackson each week receive food items on Friday at school so they have enough food for the weekend. Christ calls us to serve the poor and the hungry; the Snack Pack program makes it simple to fulfill our calling and minister to those who have real needs right here at home.
RIFA: Our On-going Monthly Needs
Ramen Noodles, Pop Tarts, Ravioli, Apple Sauce Pouches, Oatmeal Packets, Chicken Noodle Soup, Popcorn single serve Packs, Cheddar Cheese Ramen Noodles. All products are to be Peanut free per JMCSS Policy
Please leave your donation in the RIFA mission box in the hall outside the Narthex going towards Hope Hall and a volunteer will deliver them to RIFA.
They are in NEED of plastic grocery bags.
“Please leave your donation in the RIFA mission box in the Narthex at the church and a volunteer will deliver them to RIFA.”
Allowing your children to participate by including an item of their choice also helps them understand about sharing and giving to others. This vital outreach is open for everyone, it doesn’t require any additional time away from your family, and it is so simple that even children can contribute.
We also have a team of volunteers that serve in the Soup Kitchen at RIFA periodically. We would love for you to help!
Renee Laster assists with scheduling volunteers. Her contact email: gnrlaster@bellsouth.net
RIFA: Our On-going Monthly Needs
Ramen Noodles, Pop Tarts, Ravioli, Apple Sauce Pouches, Oatmeal Packets, Chicken Noodle Soup, Popcorn single serve Packs, Cheddar Cheese Ramen Noodles. All products are to be Peanut free per JMCSS Policy
Please leave your donation in the RIFA mission box in the hall outside the Narthex going towards Hope Hall and a volunteer will deliver them to RIFA.
They are in NEED of plastic grocery bags.
“Please leave your donation in the RIFA mission box in the Narthex at the church and a volunteer will deliver them to RIFA.”
Allowing your children to participate by including an item of their choice also helps them understand about sharing and giving to others. This vital outreach is open for everyone, it doesn’t require any additional time away from your family, and it is so simple that even children can contribute.
We also have a team of volunteers that serve in the Soup Kitchen at RIFA periodically. We would love for you to help!
Renee Laster assists with scheduling volunteers. Her contact email: gnrlaster@bellsouth.net
Room in the Inn is an outreach ministry through which local congregations partner with Area Relief Ministries to open their church facilities to welcome homeless men. Guests are provided with transportation, meals, lodging, clothes, supplies and most importantly Christian fellowship with the host volunteers. RITI provides an opportunity for volunteers to form relationships with our guests and for both the guest and host to receive a blessing — an encounter with God in the midst of hardship and suffering.
To learn more about this ministry or for ways to serve in RITI, contact Karen Fisher at 217-4689 (c) or email at fisher5@eplus.net.
To learn more about this ministry or for ways to serve in RITI, contact Karen Fisher at 217-4689 (c) or email at fisher5@eplus.net.
Maplewood nursing home has a special place in Northside’s heart. As part of our community, we are called to serve all! Come be a part of this important ministry to lead the residents in worship.
Sing hymns and worship with residents of Maplewood, 1st and 2nd Sundays from 9:55am – 10:35 am. Call the church office to get involved.
Sing hymns and worship with residents of Maplewood, 1st and 2nd Sundays from 9:55am – 10:35 am. Call the church office to get involved.
Days for Girls is a mission to reverse the cycles of poverty and violence by creating efficient, direct and effective means for girls and women worldwide to improve their dignity, health and standing in their communities. This is accomplished by providing access to sustainable menstrual health management and reproductive health knowledge for every girl and woman. Hundreds of Days for Girls kits have been distributed to Gamasara, Tanzania through Northside Church. Work days are on every 4th Wednesday from 8:30 – noon at Londa Rohlfing’s home. There are tasks for sewers and non-sewers! For more information, email Londa@londas-sewing.com.
A preschool serving the ‘at risk’ community in Jackson. Hands UP! provides a curriculum for the children that prepares them academically and socially for kindergarten. Parents commit to three volunteer hours per month, attend one parenting class each month and pay some tuition based on their ability to pay. Hands Up! prepares children and their families for a lifetime of learning!
The Vine Multi-Cultural Planning team: Serve on the team to plan and implement English as a Second Language and other ministry to our sisters and brothers in the Jackson area who are from other countries and cultures. Meets approximately twice a year, emailing in between meetings when needed.
ESL Facilitator for Adult Classes: Assist in facilitating English classes to non-English speaking adults. Materials and curriculum are provided. (Experience in Spanish preferred) Tuesdays 5:30 pm– 7:00 pm. Rotation basis.
Conversational English Volunteer: Have monthly conversations in English with ESL adult students to help improve their English (no foreign language skills required).
Last Tuesday of the month 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm.
Children’s Ministry during ESL classes: Assist in leading children’s classes on Christian character traits and values to children while their parents are attending ESL classes. All of the children are English speakers. Curriculum and materials are provided. Tuesdays 5:30 pm–7:00 pm. Rotation basis.
Weekly Spanish Bible Studies: Mondays at 11:30 am Room 117
Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm in Room 115
Spanish Class Teacher: Can you speak Spanish? We need someone who will be willing to assist in leading and facilitating a NEW class to non-Spanish speaking adults who want to be able to carry on conversations with our Spanish speaking community here in the Jackson area and when we travel to Nicaragua. It will be focused on basic Spanish and conversational skills. Materials and curriculum will be provided.
For more information, contact Yakko Matamoros at yakko@northsidejackson.com or 731-668-0617.
ESL Facilitator for Adult Classes: Assist in facilitating English classes to non-English speaking adults. Materials and curriculum are provided. (Experience in Spanish preferred) Tuesdays 5:30 pm– 7:00 pm. Rotation basis.
Conversational English Volunteer: Have monthly conversations in English with ESL adult students to help improve their English (no foreign language skills required).
Last Tuesday of the month 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm.
Children’s Ministry during ESL classes: Assist in leading children’s classes on Christian character traits and values to children while their parents are attending ESL classes. All of the children are English speakers. Curriculum and materials are provided. Tuesdays 5:30 pm–7:00 pm. Rotation basis.
Weekly Spanish Bible Studies: Mondays at 11:30 am Room 117
Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm in Room 115
Spanish Class Teacher: Can you speak Spanish? We need someone who will be willing to assist in leading and facilitating a NEW class to non-Spanish speaking adults who want to be able to carry on conversations with our Spanish speaking community here in the Jackson area and when we travel to Nicaragua. It will be focused on basic Spanish and conversational skills. Materials and curriculum will be provided.
For more information, contact Yakko Matamoros at yakko@northsidejackson.com or 731-668-0617.
Christmas Mission Mart
During the Christmas season, we take this opportunity to receive donations for local Charity organizations and Christian based outreach programs that are making a difference in the lives of men, women, boys, and girls. We also receive donations for our world outreach missions organizations that we sponsor. This is a great time to bless these worthy organizations with a significant contribution.
The Northside Church Education Gift Fund provides money to assist students who wish to pursue a continuing education. These funds are not limited to college education alone but can also be awarded for technical or trade schools, retraining for displaced workers, or any other training designed to further the education of the recipient.
* Financial support will be awarded on the basis of need for those who might not otherwise be able to attend an institution for continuing education.
*Each applicant must provide a copy of their registration and class schedule. A copy of their transcript must also be submitted or a copy of the applicant's ACT/SAT score if applying for their first semester of college.
*In addition, two letters of reference, one from the applicant's pastor and the other from a teacher, employer, or non-relative are required.
*The Eductaional Gift Fund will be awarded primarily to individuals who attend Northside Church, but other individuals are not excluded.
*Federal guidelines for financial aid prohibit any student from receiving more total dollars from all sources than necessary to meet student expenses. These funds will be distributed so that federal law is not violated.
*The Educational Gift Fund will not be able to cover all educational costs. Our funds are intended to supplement your earnings, Pell grants, scholarships, governement loans, and contributions from parents and others.
You are strongly encouraged to apply for other sources of funding for your college education or other continuing education. Applicants who have already sought other sources of funding will be considered first.
The deadline for submitting an application to the Educational Gift Fund is July 1st. Scholarships will be awarded annually for the Fall Semester.
There are 3 ways to submit your application:
1. Place completed application, along with other required documents, in an envelope and place it in the Educational Gift Fund mailbox in the church office or mail to:
Northside Church
ATTN: Education Gift Fund
2571 North Highland Avenue
Jackson, TN 38305
2. Email your application to nschurchscholarship@gmail.com.
3. Fill out application online.
Questions? Email Meg Montgomery at megrmontgomery@gmail.com.
For any questions about Missions Outreach at Northside Church, please call Ken Chilcutt at the church office: 731.668.0617
* Financial support will be awarded on the basis of need for those who might not otherwise be able to attend an institution for continuing education.
*Each applicant must provide a copy of their registration and class schedule. A copy of their transcript must also be submitted or a copy of the applicant's ACT/SAT score if applying for their first semester of college.
*In addition, two letters of reference, one from the applicant's pastor and the other from a teacher, employer, or non-relative are required.
*The Eductaional Gift Fund will be awarded primarily to individuals who attend Northside Church, but other individuals are not excluded.
*Federal guidelines for financial aid prohibit any student from receiving more total dollars from all sources than necessary to meet student expenses. These funds will be distributed so that federal law is not violated.
*The Educational Gift Fund will not be able to cover all educational costs. Our funds are intended to supplement your earnings, Pell grants, scholarships, governement loans, and contributions from parents and others.
You are strongly encouraged to apply for other sources of funding for your college education or other continuing education. Applicants who have already sought other sources of funding will be considered first.
The deadline for submitting an application to the Educational Gift Fund is July 1st. Scholarships will be awarded annually for the Fall Semester.
There are 3 ways to submit your application:
1. Place completed application, along with other required documents, in an envelope and place it in the Educational Gift Fund mailbox in the church office or mail to:
Northside Church
ATTN: Education Gift Fund
2571 North Highland Avenue
Jackson, TN 38305
2. Email your application to nschurchscholarship@gmail.com.
3. Fill out application online.
Questions? Email Meg Montgomery at megrmontgomery@gmail.com.
For any questions about Missions Outreach at Northside Church, please call Ken Chilcutt at the church office: 731.668.0617