43. Bubble, Bubble, Toil, and Trouble

Oct 19, 2021    Kevin Bryant, Glenn Miller, Janna Johnson

The guys are back today with a new staff member. Meet Janna Johnson, our new Administrative Assistant here at Northside Church. She wandered into the podcast room and sit down with us for a moment so we could all get to know her a bit better! You will enjoy meeting her and hearing about her side hustle as well!! After hanging out with Janna the guys continued stirring the pot with lots of discussion on witches and witchcraft continuing this month’s theme topic on ParaNorthsideActivity. Trunk or Treat Plus is coming very SOON so don’t miss out on this great Fall tradition. Rev Kev is back next week with us to share more FAQs and a few other fun things. Thanks for listening and hanging out with us here at Northside NOW!!

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